League of Legends vs Dota ii – Which Community Is More than Toxic?

In League of Legends and Dota 2, the Elo and MMR craze has always driven players to invest time and effort into the respective genres. This unfortunately results in a toxic surroundings for players. Similar in virtually competitive sports, victories are e'er the priority, and we are emotionally invested in securing one.

On the surface, a rank is nothing more than a label with an underlying number. All the same players often become frustrated when this number decreases. More often, putting the arraign on a fellow teammate – which is ever the example, correct?

lol vs dota toxic

I'm certain we're all familiar with the eternal LoL vs Dota rivalry, and have probably heard a lot of discussions on the theme "which of the two is the better game or esport?". Although we could contend that in the esports-side of Dota 2 vs LoL, the prize pool of Dota 2'due south The International serial is plenty to solely proclaim is Dota 2 community better than LoL? Well, that wouldn't be fair for the LoL fans, whose community certainly has a much larger playerbase, viewer count and a more develop esports scene as a whole.

Still, nosotros're hither to tackle a unlike question: Which of the ii games has a more than toxic community?

Toxicity in League of Legends

League of Legends undoubtedly has its fair share of toxic players. This ranges from the usual trollers, typing ragers and intentional feeders, to the more sophisticated Tyler1 and L9 pro-player wannabe types, who rage for the show.

While League has an extremely toxic customs, the level of toxicity varies throughout the world as some regions may exist much more toxic than others. Non only this, simply each region has a ascendant blazon of toxic player.

Take North America for instance, whose stereotypical toxic players are commonly those who surrender ten minutes into the match. Quick quitters are present everywhere, but when a player in NA decides hes washed with the friction match, he really is done. A large number of "inting" clips on Reddit usually characteristic popular Northward American streamers. However, the region isn't that toxic overall. Reddit users are largely from NA, so information technology'due south no surprise that most videos calling out toxic players in hopes of getting them banned come up from the region.

toxicity in league of legends

And so, there's Korea, which is widely regarded equally the strongest region in LoL, consistently producing the highest level of competitive talent such as Faker, Crown or Bang. Yet, the region is infamously known for its abundance of "inters".

At all levels of ranked play, most Koreans who solo-queue, practise non hesitate to throw or AFK in games the instant they remember it's a loss. Watching Korean streams for example, even at the highest ranks (Challenger), mid laners ofttimes run downwardly mid merely because their jungler fails to give them the second Bluish Buff.

Now, to the most toxic region in the world: EUROPE!

Europe has always been a notorious region for flamers year later on twelvemonth. Non merely is the European server filled with volatile flamers, but the competitive scene also has trashtalks and bad blood amidst pros, and no, it's non ever a friendly banter. Toxicity in Europe is dominant by anger-fueled-keyboard-warriors who racially insult both the enemy team and their own teammates.

Which isn't that severe in a stranger-filled match, and thankfully, we have the mute player feature to solve this. Now, if we were to take the lesser of 2 evils, a communication-challenged teammate seemed much amend than a griefer any game.

If nosotros were to chose a special type of toxic region, the reward would go to Oceania. The folk downwardly below have their fair share of toxic players during day and night. One would recall longer queues and low thespian numbers makes anybody not want to waste time waiting effectually, only you'd be wrong. You lot will find yourself playing plenty of matches where at least three players are heavily inting and make it their mission to ruin your day. During the night, "smurfs" from People's republic of china and Korea come over to difficult flex and flame you besides. It'south just a well rounded circle of abuse.

LoL vs Dota toxic community

Toxicity in Dota ii

Toxicity in Dota is a very nuanced topic, but for a outset, just read these game reviews from Steam:

My Blood pressure before playing: 110/70. My blood pressure after playing: 200/95. The salt is existent. Recommended."

– tastemyspear –

"If you are worried your children are doing drugs, show them this game. They will be also decorated fulfilling their innermost masochistic desires while hopelessly right clicking that they will non accept the time for drugs or friends or anything else really."

– samwisethebravelotr –

11/10 game (including updates). one/10 community (including myself). Quit playing. Try to be a better person."

– Alk_ –

Horrible feel and teammates yet I keep getting dorsum into the game once a week. +taught me many languages like Russian +always mid or feed +always shout at your teammates if they aren't doing a expert chore."

– Demonic Odd –

Dota2 customs is seriously the best I've always seen for my entire life. They're so concerned with usa players to the indicate where they enquire you are you blind, are you lot stupid? Never in my life accept I seen someone who asked me such a thing, it touched my center. They're legit concerned if I'm blind and stupid, probably they want to have me to the hospital if I actually am. They fifty-fifty advise to delete the game as I'm playing it likewise much! Best!"

– Monika –

Dota 2, just like League of Legends, is a circuitous MOBA game played in a team vs squad format. It likewise involves people emotionally, like watching Schindler's List for the first time level of emotional reponse.

Which means you're going to war (digitally of course) with your army of randomly selected teammates and hoping to win (you must, right?!). Merely, (surprise!) not everyone in this earth is calm, patient, thoughtful, polite and emotionally stable. And that of course leads to certain misunderstandings (aka shouting matches), especially when the "game is hard".

The matter that makes Dota 2 such a perfect flame simulator is its rich and versatile communications system.

While playing the game, you tin:

Utilize team chat

This provides a more personal fashion to flame your own team even earlier the game begins. The about common reason is, of course the fact that someone picked the wrong hero for their selected role. Or maybe someone wants to afk jungle for the entire early game. But even these stake in comparison to the bitter taste of watching your ally decide to end the game prematurely by feeding mid.

Say, their signature hero got countered considering they didn't bother analyzing the typhoon. Ain't that the perfect seal of disapproval for the horrible and unfair things that happened during the hero selection phase?

Use global chat

Then, there'southward the people on the other side, who yous might every bit well be rude to as well, because why non. Take you lot but managed to get a lot of kills after the enemy team overextended or making a comeback? Spam the question-marking icon! Have yous killed an opponent like Pudge later on he killed you multiple times throughout the game? Unleash your pure hatred by telling him how yous enjoyed being with his mom final nighttime!

Or are you completely dominating your opponents? Tell them "tutorial completed" or a more cultured phase among Dota 2 players, "GG EZ". Like it or non, these are more often than non, the tactical mind games that Dota 2 players pull, just to strike a nervus on both ally and enemy players for the emotional revenge. Otherwise, you simply aren't playing Dota ii the right style!

Ping the hell out of them

Ping the hell out of them

Whenever you feel like someone is overlooking something crucial and don't accept the time to type in chat, you can always ping them similar a madman. Make sure you're disruptive enough to foreclose them from actually focusing by pinging on height of their hero.

Get full Picasso on the minimap

Feeling artistic? Wonderful. Dota ii allows you to visually bring out the worst in y'all; when the going gets tough, fill your teammates' minimap with beautiful drawings. After all, Leonardo da Vinci'due south latest discovered painting sold at an auction for one-half a billion dollars, then why not endeavour your mouse at art too? Y'all never know what masterpiece you come up with during your moments of rage. And maybe your creativity inspires your team and leads to an unexpected victory.

Use the chat bicycle

In recent updates, Dota 2 offers predefined phrases that you can wisely misuse just to let your teammates know how you feel.

  • Did everyone on your team die later a stupid mistake? Spam "Well played!".
  • Are your enemies in your base while everyone on your team is dead? Spam "Button now!" or "Nice".
  • Are you lot constantly getting ganked and killed mid in the laning stage? Spam "Space created" or "Thanks!".

Let your roamer feel similar he'south actually the one losing the game. There's even exclusive conversation wheel voicelines that can get annoying at times, when spammed at the correct situation. But hey, if there's one way to improve your Dota ii skills, information technology'due south to learn from the pros. Team OG, the two-fourth dimension International champion, has become synonymous with toxicity. Notably for their excessive apply of chat wheels when things are going due south for their opponents. Some wiser opponents accept taken measures to mute them prior to match start.

Use your microphone

In Dota 2, using your microphone to flame is probably the best style to become your words across instantly. Use information technology wisely and respect its cooldown (I'd say a solid 120 seconds). Otherwise people will simply mute yous. Also, effort to think of the meanest thing that you can say in 5-ten seconds (brevity is key) and and then evangelize it with emotion, preferably while shouting.

That gets the best results and is a guaranteed mode to make people hate yous and actually try their very best to lose the game, just because they have you in their team. You know, losing the game while getting revenge on someone who flamed you isn't the same equally losing. It about gives people a sure satisfaction in a weird, twisted way.

These are some of the methods of spreading discomfort and toxicity around while playing Dota two. However, people practice say that actions speak louder than words, don't they? So let'southward go into some of the trolling techniques that are bachelor to those who want to let information technology all out.

dota 2 toxic community esports


Ah, the expert old fashion of making sure the game will exist over very quickly. Killing yourself over and over is no doubtfulness the path to freedom (to start your adjacent match), but it's slightly inefficient, but because of the depression respawn duration in the early game (yous'll by and large want to exercise this from the very beginning of the match), which forces you to be active in order to forbid abandoning the game due to afk-ing.

Blocking jungle camps

This is a more sophisticated arroyo to trolling, often used past people who want to evidence their afk jungler that jungling is not a thing in Dota. The method is simple: you just buy all the wards and cake your own camps at all times.

Leaching XP and taking farm abroad from your cores

When players want to bear witness their teammates that stealing one'south preferred position doesn't go unpunished, they often do this and lay the foundation of a dull, painful and memorable defeat.


This is probably the most unethical trolling technique because it lures people into a imitation sense of security. Yous actually practice appear to try your best to win and act as if you accept forgiven your teammates for whatever happened in the early on phases of the game. But then (plot twist!), you show your truthful face, creating an unforgettable moment of betrayal.

In a lot of cases, the feeling of disgust merely makes people uninstall the game. Which is the whole signal of it, right?

dr mundo toxic lol

If y'all reached this point every bit a LoL player, yous might wonder: Wait we do all of these things in League of Legends as well. And yous'd be correct.

Is Dota 2 community better than LoL?

Hell no. Both communities utilise exactly the same methods of corruption. Even the "catchphrases", playstyle and the wording are the aforementioned.

LoL vs Dota Communities: Final Remarks

The gist of the unabridged segment is that playing League of Legends and Dota 2 can be a gruesome experience at times. Some optimists would say it shapes you as a better person in existent life. While others believe that toxicity is controversial as it tin can ofttimes lead to existent-life instances of players having depression.

Dota 2 vs LoL comparisons tin can be abundant and 1 can find differences in almost everything. Nevertheless, when information technology comes to toxicity, these games are 1 and the same. After all, "all-time-case practices" from one game hands transfer to the other.

Regardless of your reasons to proceed pain yourself by playing League of Legends or Dota 2, let united states of america know which ane (Dota ii or LoL) has the more toxic customs in your stance, and maybe share a personal experience that scarred your gaming life.